Friday, February 28, 2020
5 ways to pray for our brethren in Christ in Yemen
Yemen has a humanitarian crisis. It is located on Southwestern part of what is called the Arabian Peninsula and it is a majority Muslim country with Christians in the .9% category. To no one's surprise, open church activity is discouraged, leaving Islam is forbidden (as the founder of Islam taught in the Hadiths) and our brethren in Christ are often alone and without a Christian community to plug for their own growth. Bibles are hard to find but they can at least read them online or download them on to their smartphones or computers. Also the terrorist group of Al-Qaeda is active in the country too.
Here are 5 ways to pray for our brethren in Christ living in Yemen:
1. Pray that Christians find other Christians. Being a country with a small Christian population, Yemenis who find Jesus have a hard time finding other Christians with whom they can have fellowship with or grow. The Christian life was NEVER to meant to be lived OUT alone. Pray that they find a COMMUNITY of BELIEVERS and find it SOON.
2. There is THE CHAOS of civil WAR present in YEMEN and terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda are having their influence increased because of it. This sort of thing opens the door to the oppression of our brethren in Christ, among other minorities. Pray that our brethren in Christ will have peace and protection.
3. Because male and female converts (but more likely female converts) to Christianity are more than likely looking at getting divorce from their spouses and losing custody of their children, pray for the conversion of their spouses and children (and on a related note, pray that those who convert will be WITNESSES to THEIR FAMILIES so the chances of the non-believing family members converting will be higher).
4. The circumstances in Yemen is seen to be an ongoing humanitarian CRISIS. Unfortunately the emergency relief is given to pious Muslims via mosques and no one else. Pray that God provide for His adopted childrens' needs, as well as non-Christian minorities' needs as well.
5. Pray that those who give their lives to Christ in Yemen will be faithful TO the Lord Jesus and be given opportunities to be BOLD in sharing the gospel FOR Jesus Christ's sake. Pray that they WILL NOT be afraid of THE PAIN that may come their way.
If it is His will, may God keep His adopted children in Yemen safe and bring them together in communities so they may grow in the grace and knowledge of His Son the Lord Jesus, so the gospel may be more quickly advanced. Amen.
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