
Friday, February 14, 2020

Meet the two women who spread Christianity to hundreds in Iran’s Evin prison

It is good to see that these two women are being bold for the Lord and King of glory in the midst of these bad times. I pray that they continue to be bold for Him even in the midst of extreme and intense persecution.

When Iranian authorities sentenced two women to death in 2009 for spreading the message of Christianity, international observers feared the worse from the regime’s latest attempt to crush religious freedom in Iran.
But the regime’s punishment backfired when Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh evangelized hundreds of fellow prisoners, and even prison guards, in the 259 days before they were released following intense international pressure.
The women’s story is just one example of how the Islamic Republic’s severe attempts to suppress its own people, especially religious minorities, have failed.

Evangelizing behind bars

Rostampour and Amirizadeh initially prayed for a quick release after being sent to Tehran’s Evin prison, which is notorious for cruel and prolonged torture, using methods such as threats of execution or rape, sleep deprivation, electroshock, and severe beatings.
However, the friends soon realized “God had a purpose for being in that dark place,” according to Amirizadeh.
“At first we were praying for our release. But after a few days we realized that by meeting other women in the prison - some who were homeless or addicts - God had given us an opportunity to share the message of Christianity with people who needed to hear it the most,” said Rostampour in an interview with Al Arabiya English.
The women educated hundreds of fellow prisoners about Christianity and led Christian prayers.
“We were not allowed to have a Bible, but we lived out its teachings in the prison,” said Amirizadeh in an interview with Al Arabiya English.
Some of the prisoners initially expressed disdain for the women, calling them ‘dirty Christians,’ according to Amirizadeh, but later accepted the women and apologized for the comments.
Even some of the prison guards came to trust them.
“A female guard came to my cell and asked me to pray for her, but to keep it confidential. She said she believed that if I prayed for her, she would overcome fertility issues and become pregnant,” said Amirizadeh.
The duo gained a reputation in the women’s ward and men’s ward for their steadfast faith in the face of persecution by prison authorities.
“In prison in Iran, people don’t have any rights and it was worse for us because of our Christian faith,” said Rostampour, adding that she and Amirizadeh were physically threatened by guards and refused medical care by prison doctors.
“Whenever we got sick and went to the clinic, the doctors would first ask what our charge was before they asked how we were feeling. As soon as we said that our charges were because of our Christian faith, they would refuse to give us medication,” said Amirizadeh(Continue ).

I also need to add that it's one thing when there is one Christan working to advance the gospel. It can spread rather quickly like a spark light a fire destroying an entire forest. It's another thing when two work together to do the work of the Lord by advancing the gospel. More people can be reach and they can give assurance to each other and grow one another together (i.e. encouragement and pointing how the other can improve in constructive ways).

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