Monday, March 2, 2020

5 Ways to Pray for Eritrean Christians

Eritrea is violating Human rights. It targets people who are part of unregistered churches and views anyone not apart of the state-approved churches as an ally of the West and an enemy of the state. Anyone who converts to evangelicalism from Islam or the Eritrean Orthodox Church faces trouble from their communities and communities.

Government security forces have performed numerous house raids and many Christians have been arrested and put in harsh conditions. Some have been shipped in containers where the temperatures are scorching.

The main source of the persecution in Eritrea is denomination protectionism. The main theology of the land (Eastern Othordoxy) is an idol and it has caused those of the Eritrean Orthodox Church to look down on those outside of it.

Here are five ways to pray for our Eritrean brethren in Christ:

1. Pray that the leaders of the Eritrean Orthodox Church will stop idolizing their theology and as a result not persecute Evangelicals and Pentecostals.

2. This one is a praise: The number of Evangelicals are growing and people are becoming fearless in the face of arrest. Thank God that He is sustaining His church.

3. Many of our brethren are imprisoned for their faith. Pray that God will encourage and strength their faith through the Holy Spirit.

4. The government views evangelicals as enemies of the state. Pray that the Lord will continue to build His church despite these conditions.

5. I haven’t mentioned Islam much and that’s because as mentioned before, they aren’t the main persecutors in Eritrea. But that doesn’t mean the concern for growth in jihad isn’t there. Pray that our Eritrean brethren in Christ will have the grace (and not to mention boldness) to continue sharing the gospel in the land so that many will come to Christ.

God grant our Eritrean brethren the boldness to endure their suffering and proclaim the good news throughout the land. May they (and we) be kept from making theological doctrine(s) into an idol. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

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