Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Ways to Pray for our Somali brethren in Christ

Somalia is rampant with violence, tribalism and Islamic terrorism. Family is considered everything in that country so anyone who gives their life to Christ is seen as betraying the family and is intimidated, harassed, and ultimately killed. Furthermore, said converts to Christianity are viewed as targets of Al-Shabbab, the Islamic Terrorist group found in Somalia. Being a Christian convert from Islam can put you in danger in EVERY sphere. You could get killed on the spot. For this reason, our brethren in Christ keep their faith (and conversions, if they happened and are converts as a result) a secret. Yet despite all of the intense persecution mentioned above, people are coming to Christ.

Here are 5 ways to pray for our Somali brethren in Christ:

1. Pray that Christ will continue to build His church amidst the hostilities.

2. Pray that turmoil in the Horn of Africa will cause the  Somali people there to turn to God. Pray that they will have a deep hunger and thirst for God as a result of this.

3. Pray that our Somali brethren in Christ will be bold enough to share the gospel, given that they make up at least hundreds of people, thus a small number in the country.

4. Pray that there will be mature and godly examples among the Somali brethren in Christ. In addition, pray that there will be unity among the different fellowships of brethren in Christ.

5. Pray that God will promote the government officials to promote freedom in the land.

God is still at work. Nothing can stop what God wants to get done. Everything said about Somalia in this post proves that. Pray that God will continue to do His work in that country and the people there will testify to the goodness and grace of the gospel to the non-Christians in Somalia even at great cost to their lives.

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