Friday, August 31, 2012

Twenty-Two Chinese Believers “Taken Away” for Trying to Attend Worship Service

08/29/2012 China (China Aid Association)- Dear brothers and sisters:
Peace in the Lord! On this past Sunday, we held the thirty-fifth outdoor worship service of this year. The weather remains sunny and hot. As far as we know, one sister was taken to be detained at a hotel on Friday. And on Sunday morning, at least twenty-two believers were taken away from locations near the platform for attending the outdoor service. They were then sent to three different local police stations. Thirteen believers were released by noon, and the rest of them were released one after another by 20:00pm on Sunday.

Xie Min, maltreated during her detainment last Sunday, now temporarily moved to live with another sister. However, after Xie moved in, they often got harassment. They got strange visitors, and the home phone number of the host even got posted on the webpage of a website providing housing information. We strongly protest against such harassment. May God rebuke them, so that they would be pricked by their conscience and come to repentance.

We give thanks to our God who strengthens us, so that we would not bow to the powers trying to control the church. This is truly a spiritual warfare, and our church needs to fight the battle to stand firm in this generation, so each of us need to join this battle. May the whole church pray in unity, that the LORD pour out his Spirit, revive us, give us faith and strength to fight this battle in unity, and continue to guide us!

We believe that this God we trust is the God who sovereigns in the history of man, and is the God who sustains and protects his Church with divine providence. May God lead his church into victory together with him.

May peace and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the mercy and love of Father God, and the console and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, be with each brother and sister of Shouwang Church and all the churches who remember Shouwang Church in prayers, from this time on and forevermore! Amen(Source).
Beijing Shouwang Church

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